How was the ASL developed?
In May 2014, the Data Strategy Group (DSG) of the Australian Education, Early Childhood and Youth Affairs Senior Official’s Committee (AEEYSOC) received a proposal to build an Australian Schools List (ASL) based on lists maintained by school registration authorities. The proposal included the use of the Systems Interoperability Framework (SIF) to streamline the collection and dissemination of data. SIF is an open, industry supported standard, endorsed by Australian ministers of school education in 2009. SIF is used to link data systems within the school sector.
This new schools list, developed in conjunction with the National Schools Interoperability Program (NSIP), is an extension of pilot and planning work conducted by NSIP in collaboration with state, territory and Australian government education authorities. ACARA’s work on the list involves ongoing consultation with NSIP, Education Services Australia and the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment.
The collaborative effort means that the ASL service has been designed to meet the needs of users, school systems and solution providers. The work will continue to reflect all changes to the Australian Schools List, ensuring the service offers the best value to all of its users.
ACARA would like to acknowledge the school registration authorities and education departments for their cooperation and contribution to the current Australian Schools List.